HomeinsightsWhat color is this wall?

What color is this wall?

Itecor · junio 22, 2020

A simple question, but…

A simple question to answer. And yet think about it. If you ask ten people, they will give you… ten different answers. The reason is simple, no one can be in each other’s head. No one know exactly how the other person sees the wall. Everyone has his interpretation and even if these interpretations are very close, they are never the same.

This experience does not matter much. A white wall is still more or less white. What is interesting is to realize that for such an insignificant question, you have ten answers. The brain works according to your background, your knowledge and your beliefs. It creates your universe and this universe can not only be different from someone else, but it can also mislead you.

This is what we talked about describing The Work of Byron Katie.

Cognitive bias is a distortion in the cognitive processing of information. The term bias refers to a systematic deviation of logical and rational thinking from reality.

Systematic, logical and rational

The different biases are all systematic, i.e. it is not a one-time occurrence, but the distortion is usual. It is a bias that affects logical and rational thinking. Therefore, you always think and reason logically and rationally, which makes a bias difficult to point out and complicated to transform.

The fact that the subject thinks he or she is thinking logically and rationally will imply that he or she will find it difficult to admit at the outset that his or her reasoning is biased. Rather, he or she will tend to lock into his or her point of view and thus exacerbate the bias. It is therefore a matter of becoming aware of our biases to be able to spot them.

Many types of bias

There are many biases, grouped by themes. Judgement bias, in particular, is that which influences mental anchoring, first impression, or attribution bias which influences the way responsibility for an event is attributed to either one or another person.

Confirmation bias has been particularly prevalent in recent times. It involves seeking explanations from experts who tend to validate our beliefs and ignoring those who refute them.

There are reasoning biases such as availability bias, seeking only immediately available information without taking the time to research it thoroughly.

Selective perception bias, which gives information related to one’s own experience more weight than other information.

There are still many, many biases, more than 200. I won’t list them all here, it would be too long, but this little example will show you that you are bathed in very many biases.

Our vision of the world is biased

And that is normal.

Therefore, you must always keep in mind that your world view, your opinions, your reasoning in relation to your professional or private experience is only your interpretation. It is neither worse nor better, it is your own, even if you feel that your reasoning is logical and rational.

Being aware of this, it becomes crucial to keep in mind two fundamental elements. The world is a world of nuances, where the multiple greys are the very essence of our reasoning and that openness and exchange to the other allows a better understanding of his vision and thus avoids misunderstandings due to different biases.

Thanks to a conscious open-mindedness, you will avoid misapprehensions that are not based on logic and rationality.

Getting to know the other person in order to get to know and understand each other better.

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