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Itecor, the growing consulting company

Itecor · October 05, 2021

Itecor tackles current technological developments head-on and reorganises its service offering accordingly. Based on the three pillars of governance, digital solutions and quality assurance, local and cross-cutting teams of experts build sustainable human and business relationships with their clients. Welcome to today’s world.

Because anticipation and adaptation go hand-in-hand
With fundamental changes in information systems, in recent decades organisations have had to face technological challenges around digitalisation that few previously have experienced. Information mobility, data security, flow management, multiplicity of market offerings, complexity, globalisation, automation … these are all subjects for which these days it is crucial to take the long view, build experience, develop a methodology, to horizon-scan. Having a structural vision and a corporate philosophy, Itecor re-thinks organisations from the ground up, whether they be private or public, medium or large. By accompanying them in their analysis, or as they put in place the best architecture or technology at the most appropriate time for them, Itecor leads them on the path towards finding their own solutions.

Advice and know-how on a “Glocal” basis
Now with 8 subsidiaries based in Switzerland, Europe and beyond, Itecor’s growth is in the image of its digitalisation as a company: structural. These new technologies, which have long been a reality in the world of consulting, demand not only know-how and agility, but also vision and ethics. Itecor grows outwards from a foundation of sound values, constantly adapting to the realities of its clients, cultivating proximity internally and externally, building solid skills, whether those clients are in Vevey, Geneva, Zurich, Paris, Barcelona or Skopje. Blaise Guignard, Head of Business Development, explains this unique approach: “What defines us is our know-how consolidated by organisational reality: it is our very organizational structure that allows us to achieve such a level of service: in almost 30 years, we have built real centres of excellence, from consulting to operations, from strategy to implementation.”

Bringing value to our customers and employees alike
Knowledge management has been at the heart of the Swiss group’s approach since its very inception. By building sustainable teams, by systematizing feedback and knowledge sharing, we are able to take action at three levels: on the governance of the organisation, on the implementation of solutions that are integral part of it and finally on the monitoring and performance of the tools in place (testing).  “Our experts and consultants are part of a group that delivers value both to people and to know-how: in this area they have the ability to develop their skills fully while acting as reliable and innovative partners to our customers.” summarizes Olivier Hayard, Group Head of Knowledge Management.

Independence and performance
Itecor now has more than 200 employees. Our new website, just published, presents our philosophy and services. Owned by its management, and with a policy of systematically reinvesting its profits, the company bases its independence and sustainability on sound financial strength. This approach has enabled the company to develop in accordance with its human and societal values since its creation in 1992.

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